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Double Exposure Photo in Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners

 Double Exposure Photo is a world call technique to embrace the beauty of a picture. With our tutorial you can learn it in the easy way. We brought it in Three simple ways. First Software information, second Step Guide and third Visual.

Software information

SOFTWARE - Adobe Photoshop 2023, Adobe Photoshop 2020-2022

Step Guide

First use this details to create new Document.

From file menu click on Place Embadded. and select your First image.

Adjust your image.

then go to select menu and click on subject. then wait for few seconds.

Now click on layer mask icon. 

Create new black and white adjustment layer. 

Slide up or down colors to adjust your image.

now click right key on the base image and select Convert to smart Object.

Adjust your image. 

Now again go to file menu click on Place Embadded and select your second image. 

Adjust your image accordingly base image.

Change blend mode to screen and add a layer mask.

keep fore ground color to black.

Choose soft round brash to paint out unwanted areas.

Now your image is ready. Export it to any extension you want.


Click the video and follow the Tutorial

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